Healthcare Committee

Comisión de salud

Healthcare has undoubtedly been one of the applications that has most pushed forward development of biotechnology, not only in Spain but around the world. More than half of all AseBio members are involved in what is known as red biotechnology. This field is providing innovative solutions for more effective, personalised treatment and diagnosis, and to address unmet medical needs.

In the Healthcare Committee, we are particularly concerned with making sure everyone has access to the innovative solutions biotechnology is giving us. So, we make proposals and work with the government to bring about the conditions necessary to achieve this.

  • To influence regulatory processes that affect the application of biotechnology in healthcare

  • To help develop and improve the Spanish Healthcare System, promoting access to biotechnological innovation that is compatible with sustainability

  • To raise awareness of the contributions biotechnology makes to help and further recognition as a sector that generates a lot of value added

  • To lead collaboration and partnership initiatives with stakeholders in the public and private sectors that foster innovation in healthcare and new technology and public policies that valorise R&D throughout the chain

Work groups
Access to the market
Natividad Calvente (Novartis
  • Monitor legislative and political activity in Spain and the EU and develop proposals.
  • Develop proposals to promote access to innovation in the National Health System (NHS).
  • Facilitate the development of new orphan drugs and equitable patient access.
  • Participate actively in forums for discussion and analysis within the sector.
  • Promote awareness of biotechnology and innovative medicines among patients.
Personalized medicine and advanced diagnosis
Elena Sánchez (Amadix)
  • Achieve access to a more homogeneous and transparent market for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) products.
  • Promote favorable regulation for diagnosis and personalized medicine.
  • Encourage the early application of quality standards in genetic diagnosis.
  • Create conditions for the development of personalized medicine (biobanks, access to patient data, personalized treatments, safety, and efficiency).
  • Highlight the capabilities in diagnosis and personalized medicine of Spanish biotechnology companies, ensuring their participation in initiatives aimed at their integration into clinical practice.
Drug discovery
Javier Terriente (ZeClinics/ZeCardio)
  • Highlighting the capabilities and experiences of the Spanish bioindustry in the field of drug discovery.
  • Cooperating in joint activities with other national and international entities working in drug discovery, seeking complementarity and rationalization of resources.
  • Harnessing the potential of new technologies in the drug discovery process.
Advanced therapies
Gurutz Linazasoro (ViveBiotech)
  • Position AseBio as a legitimate interlocutor of the sector and the advanced therapies industry before the Administration.
  • Give voice to the biotechnological industry in regulatory, advisory, deliberative processes, and decision-making, in the field of advanced therapies.
  • Promote technological transfer and public-private collaboration in the field of advanced therapies.



One Health: AMR and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Cristina Nadal (MSD)
  • Generate specific narratives about the importance and necessity of strengthening the capacity for prevention, surveillance, and control of communicable diseases in order to consolidate the capacity for preventive action and timely, coordinated, and effective response to current challenges from a One Health perspective.
  • Enhance, integrate, align, and strengthen the different elements of the value chain around the AMR and emerging infectious diseases domain to optimize the generation of solutions for prevention, diagnosis, and access to treatments.
  • Identify relevant agents and forums for raising awareness of the importance of addressing this issue.
  • Influence the regulatory, legislative, and political spheres to stimulate research, innovation, and open funding lines to demonstrate that biotechnology is key and can provide solutions to these challenges.


Members of the commission
Laura Pellisé (Amgen)