SOM Biotech

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Contact information

SOM Biotech SA
Raúl Insa, Director General
Parc Científic de Barcelona. Baldiri Reixac, 4
08028 Barcelona
Areas of activities
  • A. Health Biotechnology
    • Areas of activity
      • Screening
    • Therapeutic areas
      • Analgesia & Pain
      • Cardiovascular diseases and circulatory system
      • Genetic and rare diseases
      • Inflammatory diseases
      • Immunology
      • Oncology
      • Blood and lymphatic system
      • Kidney and genitourinary system
      • Central nervous system
      • Metabolic disorders / Endocrinology

SOM Biotech is a private pharmaceutical company focused on the accelerated discovery and development of therapies for orphan diseases through a proprietary artificial intelligence-based drug discovery technology and developing strategic partnerships with major research centers and pharmaceutical companies. The company was founded in 2009 in Barcelona, Spain.

AI Drug Discovery Technology

SOMAI PRO Technology is a proprietary AI-based drug discovery technology of SOM Biotech. It is based on Artificial Intelligence and operates by the identification of Molecular field maps.

The company successfully applies SOMAI PRO technology to identify drugs effective for any therapeutic area of interest by the identification of new unknown targets of drugs, as well as to identify new indications for the drug. The main strength of AI technology is that it identifies the mechanisms of action (biological activity) of molecules and determines its non-structural analogs with similar biological activity. This is a key differentiating factor in relation to most of other AI-based approaches, which use methods based on data mining, structural similarity, or the target structure. The technology allows to reduce costs and time for drug development, providing a high level of success and reliable patent protection. SOMAI PRO is suited to be applied for any therapeutic area and for new chemical entities.

Products and services

In 2013, the company licensed its first asset, SOM0777, indicated for Glioblastoma to Argon Pharma, a pharmaceutical company based in Barcelona, Spain.

In 2014, SOM Biotech initiated a Phase IIa proof of concept study in humans for the SOM0226 program for the treatment of TTR Amyloidosis, with Vall d´Hebron Hospital in Barcelona. During the end of 2013, the United States of America Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted orphan drug designation to SOM0226. After successful completion of the clinical development phase IIa, SOM has granted a worldwide exclusive license to Corino Therapeutics. Inc., a New York-based pharmaceutical company.

In 2017, SOM Biotech entered into an agreement with Nippon Chemiphar (Japan) to collaborate for the SOM3355 program for the treatment of chorea in Huntington's disease. In 2018, SOM Biotech started clinical development phase IIa of SOM3355 (NCT03575676) in four hospitals in Barcelona.

Advanced pipeline of SOM Biotech includes programs for Phenylketonuria, Niemann Pick Type C, Parkinson’s Disease.

The early development pipeline includes 20 orphan disease programs.

Areas of interest for future collaborations

Partnership for the programs from our pipeline (out-licensing, co-development).

Partnership program with the companies to identify drugs effective for the therapeutic areas of their interest as well as new indications for their drugs through our proprietary AI-based drug discovery technology.

To de-risk, we can develop the programs for you until any development stage (in silico, in vitro, pre-clinical or clinical).

Biotech Sanitaria

Drugs National Companies
Product / Service Type Therapeutic area Development phase
SOM0034 Biodrugs/ Drugs Sistema nervioso central, Enfermedades genéticas y raras, Desórdenes musculoesqueléticos Preclinical
SOM0208 Biodrugs/ Drugs Enfermedades genéticas y raras, Sistema nervioso central, Trastornos metabólicos / Endocrinología Preclinical
SOM0044 Biodrugs/ Drugs Sistema nervioso central, Enfermedades genéticas y raras Preclinical
SOM0045 Biodrugs/ Drugs Sistema nervioso central, Enfermedades genéticas y raras Preclinical
SOM0061 Biodrugs/ Drugs Enfermedades infecciosas, Sistema respiratorio y pulmonar P II
SOM3355 Biodrugs/ Drugs Enfermedades genéticas y raras, Sistema nervioso central P II
SOM1311 Biodrugs/ Drugs Enfermedades genéticas y raras, Sistema nervioso central, Trastornos metabólicos / Endocrinología P II
SOM3366 Biodrugs/ Drugs Desórdenes musculoesqueléticos, Enfermedades genéticas y raras, Sistema nervioso central P I