European Research Biological Center (ERBC)

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Información de contacto

European Research Biological Center (ERBC)
Miquel Arrieta
Via Tito Speri, 12-14
Roma (Italia)
Áreas de actividad
  • D. Servicios
    • Servicios de I+D
      • Empresas CRO / CMO / SMO

European Research Biological Center (ERBC) articulates the technical, scientific and regulatory expertise, know-how and track record required for non-clinical studies of any type of drug candidate, from preclinical proof-ofconcept to market.

Offering a comprehensive range of experimental capabilities, preclinical models, regulatory pre-IND package and consultancy services, ERBC allows drug discovery and chemical industry professionals to de-risk innovation and enhance R&D productivity.

With highly qualified teams in France and Italy, ERBC is offering a customercentric approach while committed in improving all aspects of non-clinical study design and conduct, combining the 3Rs and considering animal wellbeing as a priority.