About us

At the Spanish Bioindustry Association (AseBio), we have been uniting and representing the interests of companies, associations, foundations, universities, and technological and research centers involved in biotechnology activities in Spain for 25 years.
We work closely with regional, national, and European administrations, as well as with all social organizations committed to science and the use of biotechnology to improve the quality of life, sustainability, economic development, and the creation of high-value-added employment.
We strive to achieve positive changes in policy and the economy. Our work has allowed us to transform the country's culture by highlighting the importance of research, development, and innovation in biotechnology for society and the competitiveness of the Spanish economy.
Over these 25 years, we have created an inclusive community, open to all, with the goal of finding innovative solutions to the social and generational challenges we face. This journey has positioned us as a key influential player in the political and economic spheres and as a driving force for the internationalization of the Spanish biotechnology sector. Our work is fundamental in developing the regulatory framework for the biotech sector, providing us with deep knowledge of the industry's needs, making us a spokesperson for various social, economic, and political agents.
For AseBio, cooperation and networking are a priority. Therefore, we are members of EuropaBio, the European Association of Biotech Companies, comprising almost a hundred business organizations representing the interests of more than 2,600 European companies. We are also members of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).
As a business association, our highest decision-making body is the General Assembly of Members, which meets at least once a year to approve the budget, the financial statement, and the program of activities, and to elect the members of the Board of Directors, which is renewed every two years.
The Board of Directors consists of a President, who exercises the highest institutional and legal representation of AseBio, three Vice Presidents, and 16 Board Members who decide on and drive the association's activities, which are executed by a team of professionals led by the Director General of AseBio.
To facilitate and promote member participation in the discussion and formulation of action proposals aimed at consolidating the biotechnology sector in Spain, AseBio has Committees, formed by Working Groups, that address diverse topics such as the promotion of drug discovery, therapeutic innovation, disease diagnostics, and the enhancement of biotechnological solutions in agri-food, industrial biotechnology, and the improvement of the ecosystem in which the sector operates.