Flomics Biotech amongst the best 20 startups to participate in Decelera Menorca Program
lomics Biotech was selected and participated last week in the highly competitive Decelera Menorca startup program
Flomics Biotech was selected and participated last week in the highly competitive Decelera Menorca startup program, that gathers the most promising 20 European startups (amongst 1100+ candidates) with high impact projects to society. Decelera defines itself as the first “deceleration” startup program, implementing an original and novel concept that focuses not only on the classic technicalities of leading and growing a startup (how to pitch to investors, business plans, stock options, etc), but also on less tangible concepts, such as how to enhance creativity and brainstorming; how to foster startup culture; or how to keep focus and make decision faster.
“Breath, Focus and Growth” is Decelera’s main motto. Decelera Menorca is sector agnostic, but with a special focus on sustainability and impact, selecting 20 innovative startups every year to spend 10 intense days in the Balearic Island. Apart from their novel deceleration program, Decelera can also invest in the participating startups with a standard ticket of €150.000 and a follow-up of up to €2.000.000. Flomics participation was very insightful and productive, with intense networking, brainstorming sessions and constant feedback from investors and relevant business owners. Flomics has worked with amazing “experience makers” such as Tim Varner (co-founder of Roost and Whitelabel), Oriol Vila (co-founder of Holaluz), Pepe Agell (co-founder of Charboost), amongst many others. Flomics highly recommends the program to any high impact start-up currently at a seed stage.