GENESIS Biomed sponsors the 3rd Conference on Healthcare Entrepreneurship at the Gregorio Marañón Health Research Institute
The conference highlighted the importance of planning funding to ensure the survival of spin-offs and the development of their innovative solutions.

On 20 November, the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón hosted the 3rd Conference on Healthcare Entrepreneurship.
The conference was organised by the UAI (Innovation Support Unit) of the IiSGM (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón) and was sponsored by GENESIS Biomed, HOFFMANN EITLE, DINAMIZA Aceleradora de la Investigación en Salud and supported by the ITEMAS Platform.
GENESIS Biomed continues to show its unconditional support for this event, which is the benchmark event in the healthcare entrepreneurship sector in the Community of Madrid. Once again, the event has managed to bring together the main players in healthcare entrepreneurship in the Madrid region and also nationally (investors, spin-offs, administration, etc.) with the aim of highlighting the entrepreneurship promotion activities carried out by the Health Research Institutes.
The event was very well received, with a high level of participation in both face-to-face and virtual sessions. During the conference, round tables were held focusing mainly on funding opportunities, both public and private, in the health innovation sector. GENESIS Biomed has always commented that funding is a key issue in entrepreneurship without which many spin-offs, even assuming the scientific excellence of their developments, fail for lack of it. Calculating the financial needs of the spin-off in advance to be able to plan the application for public and private funding, in time and deadlines, is essential to ensure the survival of the project until progress in the development of the product/solution and the presentation of exit scenarios (asset transaction, commercialisation of the development, acquisition of the company, etc.).
According to Josep Lluis Falcó, CEO of GENESIS Biomed: "The organisation of this type of conference allows us to continue raising awareness in the public health system and among researchers of the importance of translating scientific excellence in our hospitals into innovation, constituting what is known as the knowledge economy, which contributes to improving people's health, creating jobs and increasing the wealth (GDP) of our country".
During the conference Josep Lluís participated as moderator in the round table "Private funding of innovation and entrepreneurship". In his speech, Josep Lluís Falcó highlighted the importance of private funding, which, together with public funding, constitutes a good tandem to advance in the consolidation of the biomedical innovation ecosystem by promoting the creation of spin-offs from the healthcare environment.
Other types of funding, such as public and institutional, were also covered during the day through other round tables where relevant personalities from the healthcare entrepreneurship ecosystem also took part.
The holding of this Third Conference once again demonstrates the interest in healthcare entrepreneurship in the clinical ecosystem and the importance of conferences of this type to disseminate key aspects of innovation, such as the different funding opportunities.