#NewMember | "AseBio is the Ágora from which to connect with other people and companies in the Biotechnology sector"
Meet Genios y Talentos, our new member. We talked to Egoitz Calvo Gracia, Project Coordinator of the company.

AseBio. What does your company's work bring to the table and what is its strength?
Egoitz Calvo. "Genios y Talentos" is a family company, specialized in marketing, education and creativity, which is currently looking for innovative and disruptive solutions in the field of ice sports. This led to two research projects, such as the creation of an Exoskin to facilitate the study of self-efficacy, and communication with athletes during training, in order to reduce injuries; o the design of sports facilities connected to users by means of home automation and artificial intelligence, self-sufficient and environmentally responsible.
Up to this point, our greatest strength is disruptive thinking, the ability to see beyond the limits imposed by the market, clients or the company, still very much conditioned by archaic thinking and management schemes; and on the other hand, the ability to link and create synergies with institutions and people, who can provide key pieces that allow us to complete the puzzle, making our projects a reality.
AseBio. What is AseBio for you?
Egoitz Calvo. AseBio is the Ágora from which to connect with other people and companies in the Biotechnology sector. A space in which to exchange ideas and generate key alliances that allow us to grow together. Of course, for a company like ours it is a luxury, it is the bridge that allows us to have the experience and contact with companies, suppliers and research centers, which we would not have been able to access directly.
AseBio. When did you first hear about AseBio?
Egoitz Calvo. We were looking for a reference, an association or an association or group of innovative companies that would listen to our ideas, so we used the greatest innovation created by man in the last 50 years, it is Internet, and that is how AseBio came about, bringing together everything we needed. It was a great surprise and another great surprise that they welcomed us with such kindness, professionalism and empathy.
AseBio. What do you expect from being part of an association like AseBio?
Egoitz Calvo. We hope to find people and companies with similar values to ours, sharing the same path towards improving the quality of life of human beings. For now, hand in hand with RECOG's team of professionals.
We also hope to grow and to be able to contribute to AseBio in its different events, expanding the field of action and influence of biotechnology to other important fields, such as sports and education.
AseBio. What is the biggest challenge facing the biotech sector (or your company)?
Egoitz Calvo. For us, it is important to ensure the viability of the projects, to continue generating a brand and a foresight within the investment world, which allows us to grow and thus obtain value and recognition; something complicated for a small company like ours, despite the effort made.
We find it curious to find ourselves between two worlds, the technology world and the rest, the people who think of technological solutions from academic institutions and those who need the solution. However, our experience and surprise tell us that there is no proper channel where both sides converge. To share the information and make the final application a reality. For this reason, our challenge is to facilitate this communication, at least in our current areas of work, sports and training