Featured Event Transfiere 2023 Málaga España Del 15/02/2023 to 17/02/2023 Healthcare Agrifood Industrial biotechnology International AseBio will play a leading role in Transfiere 2023 with talks and a stand next month in Malaga to showcase the work of...
Featured Event Apply to the first edition of AseBio-Merck Award "Advanced Therapies Startup Competition" Madrid España Del 12/09/2022 to 05/10/2022 Healthcare Advanced therapies ¡Deadline extended! You can apply until October 5th
Featured Event Biotech Communications 101 Seminar - Consilium & AseBio Investor Day On-line Del 26/04/2022 15:00 to 26/04/2022 16:00 Healthcare Communication In the framework of the AseBio Investor Day 2022 that we are holding next Thursday 28th April, our partners have the...
Featured Event The Annual 2022 Two-Day IVD Conference Madrid España Del 24/03/2022 to 25/03/2022 Healthcare
The EIC identifies biotechnology for its potential to contribute to European competitivene... 22/01/2025 Healthcare Access to innovation Agrifood Industrial biotechnology This report aims to provide an overview of the most promising emerging developments to serve as a reference for Europe's... AseBio
Francisco Fernández-Avilés: "The development of imaging techniques in cardiology helps sig... 16/01/2025 Healthcare Access to innovation Interview Francisco Fernández-Avilés – Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the UCM and Co-Founder of Corify Care. Partners - GENESIS Biomed
January 30: A key date for clinical research in europe: the transition to CTIS will mark a... 17/01/2025 Healthcare Access to innovation Industrial biotechnology EU projects We interviewed Lidya Domínguez, Director of Clinical Research at Sermes CRO, experts in European clinical trial... AseBio - Sermes CRO
Spain, the EU leader in 2024 in advanced therapy research, with a growing prominence of bi... 16/01/2025 Healthcare Advanced therapies Out of the 930 studies authorized by the AEMPS last year, a total of 52 focused on advanced therapy medicines. AseBio
Almirall at the JPMorgan Conference - entering a new era of sustained growth 16/01/2025 Healthcare "2025 is a turning point for Almirall as we are entering an era of sustained double-digit growth of our net sales CAGR... Partners - Almirall
Surveillance and diagnosis of influenza and other seasonal respiratory viruses 15/01/2025 Healthcare Although respiratory diseases are generally not severe, they cause thousands of hospitalizations and deaths worldwide... Partners - CERTEST BIOTEC