Información de contacto

Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions S.L. (D.b.a. Curapath)
Vicent J. Nebot - CTO
Av. Benjamin Franklin
Paterna - 46980
+34 963 76 90 80
Áreas de actividad
  • Biofármacos
  • Drug delivery
  • Drug development
  • Drug discovery
  • Terapia génica
  • Vacunas
  • Desórdenes musculoesqueléticos
  • Enfermedades cardiovasculares y sistema circulatorio
  • Enfermedades genéticas y raras
  • Enfermedades infecciosas
  • Enfermedades inflamatorias
  • Inmunología
  • Oncología
  • Sistema nervioso central
  • Sistema respiratorio y pulmonar
  • APIs y química verde
  • Monómeros y biopolímeros
  • Química
  • Empresas CRO / CMO / SMO

Curapath is your trusted CDMO partner for non-viral drug delivery programs, seamlessly supporting your journey from preclinical to commercial manufacturing. our phase-appropriate approach ensures tailored process development and validation, alongside our extensive expertise in lipid and polymer novel excipients and nanoparticle formulations. Rely on Curapath´s precision and expertise to drive your drug delivery innovations forward.

Productos y servicios

Development and GMP manufacturing of Excipients, API and Drug Products, including novel Polymer and Lipid Excipients, Bioconjugates, and Polymer and Lipid Nanoparticle formulations.

Áreas de interés para futuras colaboraciones

Fabricación, Drug Delivery, Advanced Therapies