Las innovaciones biotecnológicas, claves en la lucha contra el hambre y el futuro de la in... 28/05/2024 Cambio climático Agroalimentación Food & feed Agricultura Salud animal Con motivo del Día Mundial del Hambre analizamos, a través de nuestros socios AINIA y Tebrio, cómo la biotecnología está... AseBio
From precision farming to the insect industry: how biotechnology is responding to the glob... 28/05/2024 Biotechnology is a cornerstone for the agri-food industry and for transforming food systems, as well as for addressing... AseBio
Global innovation for salt analysis in the food industry: BIOFISH 7000 SALT, pocket-sized,... 22/05/2024 Healthcare Agrifood Food & feed BIOLAN Microbiosensores, a world leader in biosensor technology applied to the food sector, has just launched its new... Partners - Biolan
Effective and flexible regulatory policies, increased investment in R&D, and social awaren... 16/05/2024 Agrifood Food & feed Agriculture Bioeconomy Circular economy At the regulatory and political level, Spain has had the Integral Bioeconomy Strategy since 2015, but it has barely... AseBio
Global innovation for salt analysis in the food industry: Biolan launches a unique pocket ... 03/05/2024 Agrifood Food & feed Industrial biotechnology BIOFISH 7000 SAL is a unique device because it is connected to the cloud, faster, more accurate, versatile in the sample... Partners - Biolan
Biotechnology and DNA: The duo paving the way for the era of customization in health and a... 25/04/2024 Healthcare Access to innovation Innovative drugs Personalized medicine Agrifood Food & feed Gene editing Next-generation DNA sequencing has a significant impact on personalized medicine, genomic research, and the... AseBio
Biotechnology and DNA: The duo paving the way for the era of customization in health and a... 25/04/2024 Next-generation DNA sequencing has a significant impact on personalized medicine, genomic research, and the... AseBio
Biofertilizers and botanical-origin activators are among the biotechnology solutions to ni... 23/04/2024 Healthcare Agrifood Food & feed Agriculture Animal health Nitrite water pollution has been a pending issue in Spain for several years. The European Commission already warned... AseBio
The R&D investment of Spanish biotechnology increased by 13% in 2022, surpassing 2.5 billi... 19/04/2024 Agrifood Food & feed Agriculture Animal health Financing Services Talento According to the INE, when exclusively analyzing the figures in Companies, R&D investment has increased by 18% compared... AseBio
AseBio pone en marcha el Grupo de Trabajo de Innovación Alimentaria para impulsar el poten... 17/04/2024 Agroalimentación Food & feed Agricultura Salud animal En AseBio, más del 25% de nuestros socios trabajan en el sector de la agroalimentación con presencia en toda la cadena... AseBio