Bayer Hispania S.L

Logo Bayer Cropscience

Contact information

Bayer Hispania S.L
Richard Borreani
Avda. Baix Llobregat 3-5
Sant Joan Despí
+34 93 228 40 00
+34 93 217 41 49
Areas of activities
  • A. Health Biotechnology
    • Areas of activity
      • Cellular Therapy
      • Gene Therapy
    • Therapeutic areas
      • Oncology
      • Blood and lymphatic system
  • B. Agrifood Biotechnology
    • Agriculture / veterinary / environmental
      • Biologic control (plagues..) and bioestimulants of crops
      • GM Crops
      • Other enhancement techniques (molecular marker..)

As a company focused on life sciences, with more than 150 years of presence throughout the world and more than 120 years in Spain, Bayer works to respond to some of the greatest global challenges such as health and food. Contributing with our work to these two areas declared essential is what motivates and drives the nearly 100,000 Bayer employees around the world and around 2,300 in Spain on a daily basis.

Guided by our purpose 'Science for a better life', we rely on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), to generate a positive effect in all possible areas, but our contribution is crucial to achieving the goal of “Health for all and hunger for none”.

You can learn more about our activity on our networks and digital media:

  • Twitter: @BayerEspana
  • Instagram: @bayerespanaoficial
  • Linkedin: @Bayer 
  • Youtube: Bayer España
  • Ivoox: Bayer Contigo

Products and services

The Pharmaceuticals division focuses on medical prescription products, especially for the areas of women's health and cardiology, as well as for specialized treatments in oncology, hematology and ophthalmology.

Thanks to a wide portfolio of well-known brands, the Consumer Health division helps people take care of their health and well-being.

With our Crop Science products, we are helping to provide a reliable supply of high-quality food, feed and plant-based raw materials. Our product portfolio focuses on high-value seeds, innovative chemical and biological pest management solutions and extensive customer service for modern and sustainable agriculture

Areas of interest for future collaborations

Health, Agriculture, Food